Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boat Ownership Ontario


Tangram is a model obtained from the figure of a heart.

To make the project we used the following template:

Construction parts

Make the design on the plywood panel 5mm, helping you to a square carpenter.

then cut the pieces with a scroll saw, you should use a very thin blade to cut is very precise.

Once cut the pieces, lime each piece with a flat file and thus correcting the imperfections of the cut.

Once smoothed parts, extend queue as shown in the image below:

Uniting this part or another of the same size and pressed the two parts sticking well, after one am and the framework is ready:

reviewed the edges of the piece obtained, because usually be some glue and the pieces are not usually identical, and then paint the product obtained, used for this operation dye into the water timber.


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