Thursday, September 9, 2010

Make A Sugarpaste Motorbike

linguistic origin Alfonso Reyes

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REYES ALFONSO (1889-1959)


Alfonso Reyes was born in Monterrey (Nuevo León) on May 17, 1889, was the son of General Bernardo Reyes and Reyes Dona Aurelia Ochoa. He started his studies in private schools in Monterrey, Mexico the French School, the Civil College of Nuevo Leon in the National Preparatory School and the Faculty of Law of Mexico, where he earned a law degree on July 16 1913. In 1909 he founded, with other Mexican writers, the "Ateneo de la Juventud." There, along with Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Antonio Caso and José Vasconcelos organized to read the Greek classics. In 1910 he published his first book "Aesthetic Issues." In August 1912 he was appointed secretary of the National School for Advanced Studies, in which he professed the chair of "History of English Language and Literature,"
April to June 1913. The 17th of this month was appointed second secretary at the French Legation in Mexico, a position he held until October 1914. Exiled in Spain (1914-1924), after the death of his father, General Bernardo Reyes. He joined the school of Menendez Pidal and later in the aesthetics of Benedetto Croce, later published several essays on the poetry of the English Golden Age, among them: "Baroque" and "Gongora" also was one of the first writers explore Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. From that time are "cartons Madrid" (1917), his brief but brilliant book, "Vision of Anahuac" (1917), "The suicide" in 1917 and "The Hunter" on (1921).
In Spain, devoted to literature and journalism, worked at the Center for Historical Studies in Madrid under the direction of Don Ramon Menendez Pidal. In 1919 he was appointed secretary of the Mexican commission "Francisco del Paso y Troncoso, also this year made the prosificación the poem of the Cid, and in June 1920 he was appointed Second Secretary of Legation in Mexico in Spain. From then until February 1939, when he returned to Mexico, he held various positions in the diplomatic service, charge d'affaires in Spain (1922-1924), Minister to France (1924-1927), Ambassador to Argentina (1927-1930 and 1936-1937) and Brazil (1930 - 1936). In April 1939 he was chairman of the House of Spain in Mexico, which later became the College of Mexico, was a full member of the Mexican Academy for the English, and founder of the National College professor. In 1945 won the National Prize for Literature in Mexico. From 1924 to 1939, he became a key figure in the Hispanic continent, as evidenced by Borges. Among his essays of these years include "Issues Gongora" (1927), "Sympathy and differences" (essays, 1921-1926), "Homily for culture" (1938), "Chapters on English Literature" (1939 and 1945) and "Literature of the New Spain "(1948). Master of language, from 1939 to 1950 reached the summit of his intellectual maturity and wrote a long series of books on classical subjects, as "old rhetoric" and "Ultima Thule" in 1942, "The boundary" (1944), "Criticism in the Age of Athens" (1945), "Board of Shadows" (1949). He also wrote many different subjects such as "tentative and Guidelines" (1944), "North and South" (1945), "The X on the forehead "and" Marginalia "in 1952. Among his translations are part of" The Iliad "of Homer, in 1951. His work with the classical world is not limited to scholarship, is rather a reinvention of poetic metaphors and politics that define new perspectives to articulate the reality of Mexico, as his "Discourse of Virgil" (1931). In "Iphigenia cruel" (1924), dramatic poem in the style of classical theater, the myth told by Euripides reinvents itself and becomes a reflection on identity and the past, an allegory of his own personal life as well as that of Mexico emerged from its own revolution. this famous poet dies Mexico in 1959.

Customs language (*) by Alfonso Reyes

The desaprensi ng, the carelessness, the little desire to learn in depth of things, imagine that creation begins with our poor personal life, and to the fraternal malice we consider the neighbor's house: all these vices of meanness and pettiness. Thinking out there ensuring that thousands of English-speaking Portuguese, language illustrious hundred times, is a Castilian spoiled! And when you have said you are as happy as if they had to invent the joke and so kneaded, the most common of places. Just remember is that this nonsense has its counterpart on the other side, because even among the Portuguese speaking missing some daring to repeat out there that Portuguese is closer to Latin and, therefore, is a language of dignity. Double nonsense, because the distance from the Latin thing here is immeasurable, and because such a distance does not establish criteria of excellence. In previous centuries it was thought that the Romance languages, called vulgar, were a corruption of the Latin in the moral sense of the word. No sentimentalicemos linguistic evolution. Challenge to classical Latin to express, with its own resources and given the tangle of its variations-stage prior to the syntactic specialty representing regimental-particles, which I am able to express in my twentieth-century Castilian vulgar.

course, the differences, we m ore clash between similar forms than among dissimilar, and differences in what seems most are the ones that impress us. The shock can reach the grotesque effect. This happens in the Castilian into Portuguese and vice versa ERSA. Something similar happens with the bass motion, or singsong twang of each region. The Argentine said that Mexicans are "a little song to talk." The same will say the Mexican Argentines. Both with the same reason, in inverse. There is no neutral melodically speaking. We all sing and the song just perceive others. We erase itself as a normal perfume. We hear the tune in the voice of the neighbor, not the symphony in itself. Similarly as we found funny or nasty, according to temperament, these shifts of emphasis between the Castilian and Portuguese: "imbecile - idiot", police - police, "or those transfers of meanings that appear next to baffle custom made "rider" ("Xinet") for "horse", "cheap" and "Roach" or "sliding", "garbage" ("Vassoura") for "broom" "broom" ("Blowdry") for "brush" and more droll that might embitter the existence in Brazil Don Belisario Porras and Porras, nobleman and former President of Panama, whose name, simply, and worse with the aggravating recidivism, can not decide between lusos.

Because this
is the greatest challenge: the words, as often in one of the two languages, on the other are Vitanda. Tourism Directorates should provide the Hispanic traveler arrives in the Portuguese-speaking port, and vice versa, a list of words that, to be materially the same, moving in direction when moving from one language to another, and put a little cross that red acquire meaning unmentionable, as the name of that fruit that we call "papaya" and Brazilian "Mom." And even for single Hispanic countries should be the same. What can they understand the Mexican hat or Argentine English if the traveler asks for a "Ranchito" (straw hat)? What panic Argentine living room when we call the shell by castizo name "shell"? Did not you required to Mary Guerrero in Buenos Aires to barter some unfortunate infinitive of the second conjugation in a comedy from the Golden Age? And the adjective applied Mrs. Argentina ca-factly to the crinkled skirt, that abominable t Ermin that starts with "ch" and not hear my chaste ears Mexicans? The Mexicans, meanwhile, can not name in Argentina a pack of cigarettes with the usual diminutive among us, much less mention our classic sweet Celaya. When I arrived for the first time in Buenos Aires in 1927, President Alvear fell sick and had to wait several days to present my credentials. Unaccustomed to the use of that language, I was about to claim a major Buenos Aires daily, which said that my reception had been "postponed" rather than "deferred" or "postponed."

The Spaniard believes convincing at first sight, or first or idols, that certain Portuguese words are just words deliberately misused castellanos "grade" (Degrees) for "fence" or "cancel", "scale" for "boat" or "boat", "window" for "bottle" Americanism "Xing" (and let go at the end) for "insult" or " insulting "and even the Gallicism" shoulders ", which among us is a coat and between the Lusitanian a coat, jacket, American," his coat "or whatever. When the official ceremonies, the diplomatic corps accredited in our republics Brazil stirs in telephone consultations to find out if the "fraque" means "tails" (in Portuguese, "coat") or "cutaway." And again, the Luso can accuse us of deliberately trocar meanings. Let's assume that the demiurge of the Iberian languages had a little material, and to create a couple of languages, simply change the senses.

are many dangers surround ed. Possession at once, and possess a perfect, four related languages \u200b\u200band that perturb each other, and even the Left alone learning the same thing as inter-guess, and Castilian, Portuguese, Italian and Catalan I refuted by most linguistic acrobatics. That is, at the foot of metaphor feat as subtle as a hair in four. Along with this, I laugh at the German-speaking Arabic or translated into Malagasy Góngora, cry as my friend Rabearivelo, poet hova.

Unamuno, performing an immediate impression, used to say that Portuguese is a Castilian boning: what will the "hearing it" to "hear". But the reciprocal effect must be equally funny. Alvaro Moreyra remember laughed at a group of Brazilian friends when, providing the unforgettable Ronald de Carvalho, called him "author do livro All American " in English, instead of saying, in Portuguese, All to America (with that slight decline to" Tuda).

And what if we go into the idioms and linguistic characteristics indistinguishable? Ron gave himself for years, for the magazine Monterrey (Rio de Janeiro, July 1931), a note on the difficulties of pouring into Portuguese Cowardice of Amado Nervo. "How say exactly, without ridicule, that desperate "He went with his mother? In Brazilian Portuguese there lyric that dares to say "Passou com sua mãe." No foreigner can imagine the irony that springs from the possessive mother next to the name in a verse of love. All inexpressible sweetness of hemistich dissolve into derision and sarcasm. What then? Our translators corrupted in various ways the wonderful simplicity of the original "com a maesinha Passou ': ," com a mae della Passou "," com a mae Passou. And this intimate, tasty, smooth and smooth Castilian: "He spent with her mother, becomes a simple body indestructible, for which, until now, no one could find Portuguese solubility. Cowardice gives us a physical proof that the two main languages \u200b\u200bof the Peninsula is very similar to those not equivalent to each other. The theorem of parallels have here a clear demonstration. "Illustrious Language Portuguese hundred times. Ilustre to be the expression of a great historical epic that left its mark all over the known world, and still knew how to open new avenues of human effort. Navigation and discovery, civilization and conquest such feats as long unbeaten Lusitanian chest. Larbaud Valery rightly view this real trace on the testimony of the words luxury goods, luxury for objects and things p tough. Language also to illustrate their literary treasures, gets up early to discover the forms of opera still independent when they could not dare to our central Castilian. The same King Alfonso the Wise, who gives his unit to English prose, you have to switch to other neighboring language, the Galician-Portuguese troubadours, when tested in meters lyric to sing praises of Santa Maria. He who truly loves the English language has to love both the Portuguese language. Both are fertilized one on the other, and each caress and flatter. I always take pleasure in citing the advice of the young purist Estébanez Calderón Juan Valera: "And by the way I tell you, if you have not already fallen into it, how useful we are reading good prose writers Portuguese. The lusismos feel wonderfully to our language: they are fruits of two branches of the trunk itself, you eat one another to come up with new blood and not denied taste. "The light falls from the Latin and refracted in the two prisms. Both effects of refraction , combined and compared, they help us better perceive the original Latin flavor, sometimes worn use. And the words that are enriched in this game. Sometimes, when translating from Portuguese, you come upon a crop of English words fall into disuse (the "wandering" the Archpriest of Hita) or little known, as "Curuja" (owl) or "Virazón" (breeze), and even with money syntactic forgotten or just have leaned shyly our language. Eg, "win or prefer, then, death" [1] .

Two testimonies about learning a language: one, those tests Mark Twain on Italian without a teacher, funny ON 'description the tribulations of an Anglo between the abundance of our verb accidents and, above all, to the excess of pret Erites, further evolution accusing Latino human time perception, the other testimony, the more recent and better quality, amusements Valery Larbaud philological, who surrendered only in Lisbon, the entertaining task of passing from French to Portuguese, bracing a little Latin and a lot with Castilian. "This science, he says this language I have learned how to obtain the love of a woman." And we are telling you point by point his tasty adventure: "I was all eyes and ears, all care and respect have told me aware of the elements of one of the great literary languages, with a vocabulary and syntax glorified by some of the greatest poets, playwrights and writers of the West. "If all the Portuguese arrived with the same understanding of love! [2].

Iberoamerican error type in pol Notice and everything: the La Plata middle (not the scholar), although willing to confess their italians, less humiliating to their eyes from Europe come to him, hardly acknowledges and confesses Brazilians have crept into his speech, from the border, from the ground "Gaucho" to "Gaucho." And the converse is also true and lamentable. What's wrong or what's weird, live and change with the neighbors? Do not you ever walked across Uruguay in these fluctuations, "Brazilian territory planted in Argentina," as Vasconcelos? Are we going to deny us the Central American Isthmus of Tehuantepec notorious down? Is there a Latin isthmic natural coherence, above the political framework? And the blurred pronunciation, which will land Veracruz to Cuba, as carried in the bursts of the Gulf? And even the ugly words that slip this side of the Bravo, the "basketball ita ", and" furniture "and other inevitable" pochismos "as bad germs that pass through tissue from one language to another?

talk back to the two imperial, sometimes -and here is the touch of perfection-millimeter differences in the secondary meanings are those that give the phrase its atmosphere English or Portuguese . I can say in both languages: "The university students in the middle youth." But it strikes me that this form is most directly and English, and Portuguese that would be more appropriate: "The university youth, in his youth." And that, beyond supporting or closer in the accessory connotations, the word from one to another language, so moved its center of gravity, which comes to mean almost anything and still fall in the opposite direction. The word "exquisite" laudatory in Castilian and French "exquis" is pejorative in Portuguese. However, it is undeniable that in Castilian offers some shades of discomfort or difficulty, as when Menéndez y Pelayo complains, repairing In the Indian community in some Latin American poet, that use words "exquisite" pronunciation. The adverb "just" in Castilian means a minimum dose, a small charity in Portuguese lacks this touch of meanness or poverty, and it "just" or "only." When the Consulate General of Mexico in Rio de Janeiro has become "just" Private Consulate, Rio de Janeiro newspaper announced that this Consulate, henceforth, would be "just" Private. And I like when the "postponement" of Buenos Aires, I had to correct a possible susceptibility diplomatic outburst with a bit of philology.

True ed d I thought, one of the differential laws in the evolution of both languages. I do not mean that apparent structural loss that everyone has noticed: "Caliente - quente", "suffering - doente", "flight-voo," "Pain - dôr", "color - cut." There is something most central and deep, and morphology but not spirit. Walking down the street, I began to observe certain expressions of humble people. Closing his eyes, I had dressed in suits other partners and would have allocated a social condition ng superior. I do not know if the European Portuguese will be provided with similar thoughts. I think so. While nothing would wonder that the Brazilian has been printed courtesy inimitable gradually speech pulidez property stamp. A little walk, a vendor loudly proclaiming: "Sorbets, of various qualities!" Phrase in the streets of Madrid, almost lead to a convoluted and composed by boos. The seller in the English metropolis have been sought rather boast plebeianism and choose the expression and tone of the stream: "Hela, of toos them!" Or something similar. And I remembered that even the Mexican people, fresh from his solar-language province-retardant always, smile a little to the locals for that choice and their manerita redicha: preference for that term cult ("locate John Doe" in instead of "find John Doe"); by that pronunciation more than oral spelling of consonant clusters ("perfect" to "Perfet", "exact" for "eSATA"), pronunciation, in Spain, is restricted to the educated man or at least a comparatively higher level. It seems that while the central Castilian is releasing to the popular Portuguese focuses cultism and forms to the school. It is significant that Brazilian children are always correct to never say "bigger" instead of "greater."

I do not want extreme conclusions about whether this is evolution ng ascending or descending. Some think that the people's movement is life and the agony cultism. Others, on the contrary, that language is vitalized by the culture and undermines the street abandonment. Gracian sums up his humanistic profession of faith: "That where half no artifice, all perverted nature " (Critic, I, 1). On the one hand, it is undeniable that encourages outdoor living language changes, as life tends to cabinet ankylosis contrasting with the need to move the brakes of culture, ie: the writing software is the FIXING ng grammar, the conservative notion that all pedagogy is based. Furthermore, even within the conservative camp of culture, there accelerator energies intellectual and poetic. which somehow remedy the effect of fixing energy. Huysmans, though confused with transformation decomposition, by prejudice "decadent" - says À Rebours:

"The decomposition ng of the French language had been operated in a coup. In America, there is a long transition , a span of four years between the verb and superb marbling of Claudian and Rutilio and verb and in solution of the eighth century. In the French language, no period, no succession of ages was necessary: \u200b\u200bthe variegated and superb style of the Goncourt and style in a solution of Verlaine and Mallarmé rubbed in Paris, lived at the same time, at the same time, the same century. "And if I am not mistaken, the current pronunciation of" Que sais-je? ", with elision of the" e "silent, no more than a court-imposed fashion Luis XIV.

not intend to draw from here í easy political metaphors, that distrust so easy. In fact, I do not conclude anything . just wanted to walk a little to the border of languages, where, as in every border, we learn to forgive and to ask sorry, that is, to understand.



1 The Manual and Illustrated Dictionary Academy Espa Nola Portuguese character recognizes that "Ingrimar" passing through certain provincialism of English American regions, and that it "lonely, forgotten, concentrated," as if to raise the idea of \u200b\u200bingratitude and neglect, according to this verse of Malherbe: a bord ingratement Laissée solitaire. "

2 Brazilian writers we often complain that they only found the trail of Paul Claudel to Brazil on the proverb, heading Satin Chapin: "Deus escrever direito by linhas tortas. " Apart from a poem, I found on Positions et propositons a funny "estapafourdi" and, at the entrance to the page on Niyinsky, a beautiful evocation of Rio, "one great city that has not closed the door to nature," where the "forest" is in the streets.

(*) Text taken from the literary experience, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico. 2004.


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