Monday, December 20, 2010

I-catcher Console-web Monito

of Tangram Tangram

Design and construct a tangram game and a box that serves to save it.

Webquest: Playing with the tangram

PREPARING A Tangram consists of a series of seven parts:

With you can do silhouettes of objects, animals or people:

Its main feature is that all the pieces together form a square. So we just have to decide what size we want to do (in our case 12 cm).
In this picture shows the pieces of a tangram. We serve as a template to build a panel 5mm plywood.

Construction parts

Make the design on the plywood panel 5mm, helping you to a square carpenter.

Then cut the pieces with a scroll saw, you should use a very thin blade to cut is very precise.

Once cut the lime pieces each piece with a flat file and thus correcting the imperfections of the cut.

We can do

guardardo box with a panel at the base of plywood and four strips on the edges and make a cardboard lid, for example.

If the ribbon thickness is 7 mm, the measurements of the base will be 13.4 cm and measures should be increased to 1 or 2 mm to have some margin resective tangram size. To construct the edges of the box, we also have the option of cutting the strips on the diagonal, such as picture frames.

Case Construction brand

measures based on the panel and draw with the help of the carpenter's square to all corners are right angles.

Cut carefully and review the edges with sandpaper. Points will be based on where the slats and the position in which the parts are stored inside the box.

Cut strips and go to the courts with the file. Then apply white glue and glue on the bottom panel.

Finish Paint the sides of the box or draw on them a decorative motif. If you want to color the tangram pieces lijes agree that although its surface (within the meaning of the beta) so that the paint is better.
To paint dye use wood, different colors or acrylic paint. In the following pictures you can see the finished product:
can make a cardboard or paper cover, with the name of the game and other decorative elements. A simple way to fix it is by a rubber band encircling cap and box. You can also set a screw into one of the edges to make the shaft to rotate the lid.
  • Go online on classic tangram figures. Create a template with these dimensions 12x12 cm and attach the tangram set.

  • Create your own Tangram shapes and finished


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